Early Spring Grazing
Herd Quitters
~ refers to people who have enough courage to break away from the status-quo,herd-mentality way of thinking.~Kit Pharo
As you may have read on our About Us page, we've been in the a progressional change for about a decade. Our ideas and philosophies are emerging and evolving toward regeneration. Our herd, soil, and farm management are also a work in progress. I like to think of it as progress, because mistakes and failures tend to push you toward progress. We are ever moving forward.
As our former farm name (Youngblood Grassfed Farm) identifies, we were, and are still, a completely grass-based operation. After the closing of our brick-and-mortar artisan butchershop and delivery business, we reevaluated our needs and wants. We truly believe tender, gourmet, juicy, flavorful beef can be raised on grass. It is a artisanal mixture of genetics and forages, seasonality and diligence. However, instead of producing the final product, at this time, we are herd builders. We've managed and developed our beef herds to be hardy graziers. They tolerate heat and continue to gain. They tolerate drought and continue to thrive.
Our current beef herd has a mix of Registered Red Devons and Devon-Cross. These girls are deep bodied, small framed, docile, and excellent milkers. We are focused on selecting for heat tolerance. We raised and developed our own bull and continue to be impressed with his offspring.
Heat, herd competition, and hardiness have led us to incorporate other genetics into our herd. We have recently added South Poll back to the herd. South Poll are known to be gentle, excellent mothers, high-performance meat-to-bone-ratio with little inputs in a heat dominant environment.
It is interesting to see how these different genetic types compare and contrast each other throughout the year. We are able to view these similarities and differences within the scope of pasture management with the pinnacle notion of being the best offspring for both the commercial cattleman and grass fed grazier.
Red Devon Grass Cattle
Superior Beef on Grass
South Poll Genetics
Nutritionally adaptive, hardy and Heat Tolerant cattle