The hum of the bees is the voice of the garden......
~Elizabeth Lawrence
It all started with...........Honey fudge.
As we began our whole food, real food journey, it became apparent the hardest food issue we dealt with was our sugar addiction. It. Still. Is. But with the help from our amazing bees, we are overcoming. We love honey. So much so that we knew we needed more hives. In 2015, Andy found an older gentleman ready to sell a few of his hives. We purchased and moved his hardy hives to our home place as well as two other farms we have leased. We are learning about hive splitting, capturing swarms, harvesting and bottling the honey as well. This winter, we cleaned out a small shed and have made it our Honey House. A clean, enclosed environment the bees cannot get to so we can process and bottle our golden flow.
Honey Fudge
1/2 cup honey, warmed
1/4-1/3 cup cocoa (depending on the consistency)
splash of vanilla
1/3 cup peanut butter (natural, no sugar added)
2 tbsp butter~melted
Heat slowly on low and mix well.
Optional Ingredients I add (again, to desired consistency)
Chia seeds
Coconut flakes
Chopped nuts